Hello Shaksters, Happy Fall!
Fall is the best season, you know why? Because it’s my birthday season, yay! I am just kidding (well not really). I love fall because it is literally the most beautiful season with the leaves changing colors and bringing some type of beauty that no season ever gives. Fall is like COLOR EVERYWHERE and PUMPKIN-EVERYTHING. Additionally, fall fashion is just the best. Dressing up during fall for me is more osé than what I usually wear any other season. The cute boots, scarves, coats, jackets, cardigans and sweaters are the prerequisites to create any type of fall look.

Those booties that I got from Forever 21 are super cute and look fancy and expensive while being extremely affordable. I got them last year, but I did not have a chance to write a post on them. They feel like those expensive designers boots.

Booties: Forever 21 | Jeans and Jackets: Forever 21 | Sweater: Fashionnova
I want to layer my sweaters with my denim jackets this fall more often. I think it gives a cute result. You could wear this look while going out or a casual diner date with your boo.

A scarf, whether it’s for protecting your neck or adding an accessory to your outfit, it is a must-have for the fall. You can find scarves everywhere, but I usually get mine from H&M. You can click here to have access to some of the scarves I’ve linked up on the LIKEtoKNOW.it app, and follow me so you can instantly shop all of my looks.
Follow me on the LIKEtoKNOW.it app to instantly shop all of my looks.
Tisbia Rita M.